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1. Overview Tubular cooler is a heat exchange device commonly used in metallurgy, chemical industry, energy, transportation, light industry, food and other industrial sectors. It is suitable for different working conditions such as cooler, condensation, heating, evaporation, and waste heat recovery. Due to its sturdy structure, great flexibility in use, and strong adaptability, a lot of improvements have been made to the structure, technology and materials in recent years, making its technical performance more reasonable and advanced.
What is a water-cooling plate? How to make it? Simply put, a water-cooling plate is to install a "cooling circulation heat sink" behind the cabinet. How is the water-cooled plate made? The water-cooled plate is made of aluminum plates and copper pipes. It is done in this way: first make a model of the aluminum plate, and then groove the aluminum plate according to a specific design.
How to maintain the water-cooled radiator? The reason why many well-known brands can gain everyone’s trust is due to their actual functional characteristics. This is also the aspect that we pay most attention to when buying a radiator.
How to choose a water-cooled board? A hose or a hard tube? Water cooling must be familiar to everyone, and the common ones are hard pipes and hoses. In recent years, the development momentum of hard tube water cooling is very strong, but there are also bright spots in hose water cooling, and both have their own advantages. For novices in the water-cooled industry, whether to choose a hard tube or a hose is always indecisive.
Heat dissipation is very important for new energy vehicles, because their heating power is particularly large, which requires the use of high-quality high-power radiators, while traditional air-cooled radiators generally cannot meet their heat dissipation requirements, especially for new energy vehicles. The heat dissipation of the battery pack has the characteristics of airtightness, and the design index requires that the electric vehicle can operate efficiently and stably under various weather conditions throughout the year.
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