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Heat exchanger is an indispensable refrigeration equipment in refrigeration technology. The internal structure of the heat exchanger includes: condenser, evaporator, regenerator and intercooler. The heat exchanger also has many advantages in terms of small size, weight and metal consumption. The application of heat exchanger accounts for more than 50% of the entire refrigeration equipment, and it also has a significant impact on the refrigeration performance.
The water-cooled plate radiator has a very good effect on the heat dissipation of high-power devices, so many users will choose the cooling solution of the water-cooled plate radiator. The production process of water-cooled plates is more complicated than that of general air-cooled radiators. Liquid-cooled heat dissipation requires higher process reliability. Therefore, only manufacturers with strong technical precipitation can provide reliable technical support.
Everyone yearns for a life that is warm in winter and cool in summer. In recent years, air conditioners have been used to cool down in summer. The most common heating methods in winter are floor heating and radiators. The question is, is it suitable to use floor heating or radiators in your home? Which heating method is more popular with people depends on the heat dissipation effect. Today on this issue, the editor will analyze with you whether it is better to use a floor heating or a radiator.
The radiator is relatively common in people's normal life, and it is also an item that many people know. Of course it has a very important impact on human life. The so-called radiator, literally understood, is a kind of heat dissipation, which can be used in production and in our daily life, and can also be used in some special industries.
1. The protection of the radiator during the heating season. Exhaust valve: When the radiator part is not hot, an exhaust valve is required. Open the gas release valve to release the gas until the gas is exhausted. When water overflows, close the bleed valve. Anti-freezing: In winter, if the radiator stops working for a long time, pay attention to anti-freezing. If necessary, drain all the water in the radiator. Steam protection: When using a steam heating system, protection measures should be strengthened to avoid injury.
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